Sitemap - 2010 - Sneakerhead VC
Forget “surprise and delight” give me the “Damn! Factor”
Changing trains, building teams, moving to NYC
Birchbox is delivering wonderful one month at a time and we are excited to help
Selling Ad Tech (old school audience management)
SkillSlate, efficiency in local markets and my bulldog Barclay
Don’t let perfection get in the way of participation
Soccer Mom killed by audience, data leakage
Deep Simplicity: Making banking suck less
If two R’s is good, three is better. A new SaaS metric: Monthly Recurring Revenue Ramped (MRRR)
Go ahead girl! (build a start-up and make the world a better place)
Learning from Ancient Asian Wisdom
Are you my investor? The only 100% guaranteed accurate test of investor type ever offered for free
How SaaS is killing karaoke and the “entertainment” column in expense accounts everywhere
Anticipation is magic (in product experience)
Effective board meetings in 10 steps (my first Quora inspired post)
Show me the magic (in your product)
“Previum” the evolution of Freemium
Online Privacy Solutions and Creation Vs. Regulation
Stop lean-washing. Save the (start-up) world.
SneakerheadVC logo: the backstory
MVPP: Minimum Viable Product Purchase and the lesson of the first trash talk T’s
Altitude switching and development priorities
In order to grow, just say “No”
Hello, my name is Phin and I am a sneakerhead VC
Rise of the machines (decision making when milliseconds matter)
Before you sign a termsheet, take your VC to the Chiropractor
2010: the year of “game mechanics”
Junior people in VC are gate keepers who add friction to the system