Why I’m not down to lunch
Over the past few weeks every VC in my network has texted me asking if I am down to lunch…I am not. Nothing against the app (pretty cool to see what the team over there is building) but I hate lunch meetings and generally am not down.
Lunch meetings suck because:
Lunch is a second class social citizen. Lunch conversation is mostly social, but it is socially unacceptable to partake in the age old social lubricant of alcohol. When you go to lunch, you are riding coach vs the first class treatment of a dinner.
Lunch is inefficent. Lunch requires round trip travel time and typically means you are committing 2–2.5 hours to one meeting and only getting an hour or so of real content.
Lunch kills productivity. Lunches at nice places come with large portions, you eat too much and the food coma lasts through the afternoon
I’ll use down to lunch to do anything but lunch.