One way to solve a problem
Startup CEOs face challenges and problems all the time. The company is constantly changing and so is everything else. It can feel like…
Startup CEOs face challenges and problems all the time. The company is constantly changing and so is everything else. It can feel like nothing is stable and like everything is going wrong.
When you feel like this, imagine you are staring over. Pretend it is your first day, today, right now.
Ask, what are my priorities — make a stack ranked list that shows you what order you will do things, what gets better and how you define success with each item on your list.
Then, make a second list. Write down all the other stuff that you have to do that is not on the first list. Why is it not on the first list? What would you have to believe to move it onto the first list?
Finalize the first list.
Do the first thing.
Be successful.
Make the situation better.