Internet business models are WAY bigger than the internet
Get on the train
Founders who apply the business models from the last 10 years of the web to the next 10 years of everything else will hit the market they enter at 90 degrees — and drive the internet train right across established ways of doing business.
This opportunity is way bigger than the web and is about more than deep software integration/web connectivity in every industry.
The paths to disruptive, winner take most businesses have been mapped, studied and executed on the web — and can now be used to exploit the rest of the economy. Founders who do this will create much bigger “internet companies” over the next decade than the ones built over the last ten years.
Entrepreneurs need to search out industries where the side-impact collision of well defined best practices from the web result in creative mass destruction.
We have seen the power of large networks of highly engaged users; we have studied the dynamics that lead to robust two-sided markets; we understand the amazing efficiency of the SaaS model and now we need to take all this learning from the web and smash it into healthcare, manufacturing, scientific research, robotics and even space.
Who will build the large networks of highly engaged users — where the users are all machines?
Who is going to build the two sided marketplace for space exploration or scientific experimentation?
Who will create the AWS of manufacturing?
The patterns are there to be matched. The business models have been mapped. I can’t wait to meet the founders who approach 4-way intersections by stomping on the gas, hitting the market broadside and inflicting as much damage as possible.