Do the thing you love. Find a co-founder to do the rest.
The nice thing about building a company is there is no map — no one has done what you are doing, ever. You are the first and only and what…
The nice thing about building a company is there is no map — no one has done what you are doing, ever. You are the first and only and what you do and how you do it is up to you. The challenge is everything that has to get done has to get done insanely fast and with epic quality. This is where your choice of co-founder really matters.
You get to shape your role as a founder. You get to ask yourself what would you do if you could spend all your time doing only one or two things?
You also get to choose what you don’t do. What are the two things that create a ton of value for the company but that you hate to do the most? What are the skills needed to do those things? Who is the best person you know that has those skills?
Convince that person to work with you and you have a company instead of an idea.
When the company scales, this process repeats. There is too much for you and your co-founders to do. You need to add to your executive team and you have the opportunity to find the best people to fill leadership holes created by your team’s passions and areas of unfair advantage.
When it works, the people you bring in love to do the things you hate to do and push you to be even better at the stuff you love.