4 steps to finding the sharp edge of the wedge
Coming in to First Round NYC today reminded me of a great conversation I had with Hilary Mason about defining worthwhile work and finding the sharp edge of the wedge.
All ideas need to cut through noise to have a chance for survival. The best ideas have physics to them and use size and weight to move people — but even the biggest ideas need a cutting edge — the single thing that is 10x better and turns a founder’s thought into a consumer habit.
Here is a simple way to find the sharp edge:
Clearly define the single question or problem you are trying to solve
Create clarity around what it means to win. How will you know if you have the right solution? What are the success metrics?
Assuming you answer the question or solve the problem perfectly, what is the first thing you will do with it? (Is that relevant?)
Assuming everyone in the world uses your solution to the problem, how does it change human behavior? (Is there potential for immense impact?)
Ok, go!